Passeggiate e trekking a cavallo in Umbria fra Monte Tezio e Monte Acuto.
Il centro immerso nella tipica campagne umbra, a nord di Perugia, offre la possibilità ad esperti e principianti di fare passeggiate a cavallo tra oliveti, boschi, campi, lontano dal traffico. Lezioni ed avvicinamento al cavallo per chi ancora non ha esperienza e per bambini da 12 anni in su, passeggiate notturne al chiaro di luna, visite a castelli abbandonati o ad una tomba Etrusca.
Riding lessons and horse trekking in typical Umbrian countryside between Monte Tezio and Monte Acuto.
The center is situated about half an hours drive north of Perugia and offers the opportunity for experts and beginners to enjoy horseback riding away from traffic, through olive groves, forests, fields. We also have night rides in the moonlight, visits to castles or abandoned ruins and/or an Etruscan tomb.
Riding lessons are also available for adult beginners and children from 12 years up in a grassy field with if you would prefer.
Riding lessons and horse trekking in typical Umbrian countryside between Monte Tezio and Monte Acuto.
The center is situated about half an hours drive north of Perugia and offers the opportunity for experts and beginners to enjoy horseback riding away from traffic, through olive groves, forests, fields. We also have night rides in the moonlight, visits to castles or abandoned ruins and/or an Etruscan tomb.
Riding lessons are also available for adult beginners and children from 12 years up in a grassy field with if you would prefer.
Sede: ASD Centro di equitazione di Campagna "la Marana"
Castelvecchio,18 06019 Umbertide PG
Cod. Fiscale 90020050549
Centro affiliato a CNS Sport Nazionale